Originally introduced to professional institutions, TheraFlex RX® was not available to the general public and has been used effectively in physicians offices, by physical and occupational therapists, athletic trainers, dentists, and chiropractors, to provide aid in the relief of all types of pain and inflammation and to help speed the healing process, in their patients.
TheraFlex RX® is a safe, effective, "maximum strength" first line or adjunct treatment to aid in the control of pain and healing.
TheraFlex RX® has been used for pain control, successfully, by physicians, pharmacists, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, chiropractors, trainers and other healthcare professionals—giving pain sufferers a new weapon in their daily pain management battles. We are now making the "maximum strength" formulation available to the public.
TheraFlex RX® is a unique - physiologically active- synergistic complex of amino acids/minerals/botanicals that can be used as primary or adjunctive pain treatment. This is the pro strength formulation.
TheraFlex RX® Pain Relief
A topical cream that quickly brings temporary relief of pain, swelling, stiffness and discomfort due to inflammation caused by arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, bruises, sprains, and other soft tissue and sports injuries. This is the pro strength formulation.
TheraFlex RX® TMJ Relief
Tens of millions of individuals suffer from jaw/neck pain related to diagnosed temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Many millions more suffer similar jaw/neck pain without an established diagnosis. Theraflex TMJ Relief provides prompt, safe, effective relief directly to the areas of pain in this disorder. This is the pro strength formulation
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.